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20108 (RR)  shunting at East Kilbride with DMU at platform 27-5-74 WS10413D8127 (RF) tn 8am East Kilbride-St Enoch arriving at Busby 25-6-64 WS7516Class 20s unknown locationD8000 Blackwall Jct 23 -9 -57  - RCR11236 - R C RileyMarch Diesel Depot View ICA D118820197 - 20XXX L-Es March ICA D95120013 with 2 other members of class ICA D12888109 (RR)  tn 8.5am tn frt trip ex-Mossend Yard with 10.7am to Glasgow at platform East Kilbride 11-9-73 WS10133D8099 (LR)  CF tn 10.30am Orange Walk special St Enoch-Lynedoch nr Kilmacolm 6-7-63 WS6885D8072 (LR)  CF tn 11.3am Queen St LL-Newcastle spl nr Forrestfield 15-7-61 WS556520190 20173 at Snibston Colliery Sidings, Coalville  in 1983 - Departing westbound double-headed stone train ex-Cliffe Hill (Tarmac) -  120583 HG1257D8xxx WillesdenD8xxx dn frt Shilford 19.3.66 JLSD8157 derailed at Toton 7.67D8006D8000 Crewe shed 30.10.60 AWBD8000 with dynamometer car, Toton 31.8.58 JNS608D8004 Crewe shed 30.10.60 AWBD8005 Acton yard 25.8.60 JNS200D8113 Ardlui 29.8.63 JLS